Op# Digital domain
eLCS; XCS SciKit; Ryan’s Git repo all by Ryan Urbanowicz
XCS Butz TS Illigal via Wayback Machine
RCR by Yi Liu; Assumption by Yi Liu; UCS by Yi Liu; XCS by Yi Liu all in Python
XCS from eLCS; XCSBOA; ConCS - private by Trung Nguyen
Jekyll from the Start html5up phantom in jekyll MD pages help, MD Syntax, MD Cheatsheat
Design Morphine generative design
UnSplash Pictures!, Pexels, Adobe QUT
Open Source Pictures Big thank you for the landing page pictures :) Scidraw open source disagreeable elements, especially Psychology
Carbon cpu/gpu calculator code
Distill interactive papers
PlotJuggler Data plotter, e.g. ROS
DevOps tools
Julia for Jupyter, Makie plotting for Julia
Mermaid overview, Mermaid class diagrams
Mech Eng bookmarks including Julia references
Pixi package manager for Conda / python
Conda Python environment
Android developer
Julia one file, Julia intro paper Julia essentials Julia methods
Value functions and Barto’esque book
Wild Systems interactive digital arty stuff
Digital Tools Peta pixels,